Dear Carl & NUGL readers:
Please accept my apologies for the sudden end of my weekly articles, awhile back. Perhaps some of you don’t care, perhaps some of you do, either way I do not give a fuck. What I do give many fucks about is that I dropped off without notice to Carl or NUGL, and while time is precious and life can over run us, we must be held accountable and own up to mistakes or mishandlings as they often occur in life. For my lack of communication I apologize. In the future, my articles will appear based on my availability to sit and write.
What better time to write and reflect then on a four hour plane ride? Particularly when you HATE to fly. I used to get drunk whenever I got on a flight, but I have not had a drink in nearly 3 years. I certainly consumed A LOT of THC & CBD and feel somewhat calm, yet still agitated at the fact that if I was supposed to be up in the air, I would have wings. Nonetheless. WE ARE BACK ON THE ROAD!!!!
Just before the world shut down, my brother and I (known as the Pot Brothers at Law® had signed a 3 City Tour deal for 2020 with to appear, hold meet and greets and give our seminar, The Etiquette of Engaging Law Enforcement: How to Shut The FUCK Up® (when cops ask questions). Of course, 2020 became the VIRTUAL YEAR, and we did our fair share (and probably a lot more) of virtual appearances for many events and expos, our own podcast and of course The Script Challenge™ was born and runs almost every Friday at NOON PST on our IG LIVE @pot_brothers_at_law.
Fast forward to May 2021: First up G4LIVE & THE BUDTENDER AWARDS at the Mandalay Bay with our crew from CANNABIS TALK 101, it was the first LIVE, in person, Cannabis Business to Business Expo since the World opened up. We were vaccinated, maskless and it ROCKED!!! We will be back in Vegas for round 2 of G4LIVE BUDTENDER AWARDS September 29- Oct 2.
Then we took huge hits in OKC for the return of our seminar. From the moment we landed in OKC we felt the love of the #stfunation® everywhere we went. Happy to stop for selfies IF you knew to STFU when cops ask questions. OKC was popping off with Cannabis businesses buzzing and ready to BOOM!! It was packed!!! I took a stroll down DAB ALLEY and had many, many fine dabs. I hit RELAX PARK and chilled with Jim Belushi and taught him The Script. Then, to a full audience and those who lined the walls when seats ran out, we performed our educational seminar. At this seminar you will learn about your 4th and 4th amendment rights (it’s ok if your not from the US, because if you are here, you need to know) and how to peacefully engage law enforcement when pulled over or otherwise confronted by police. The seminar end with my performance of a live version of our slam poem AM I BEING DETAINED OR AMI FREE TO GO?©
To be back out amongst people again, especially people in the Cannabis industry and those looking to get into the industry or just even curious, was a great feeling. As we strolled the exhibit halls, chants of Shut the Fuck Up rang out, and we were amazed at how many people IN OKC know The Script©! We feel the impact we are making every time someone approaches and kindly thanks us “for the work” we do “educating people, the Script has saved our asses a few times”. That is a common quote from fans, followers and family alike. Please, if you don’t know The Script©, LEARN IT!!! Then share it with everyone you know and strangers you meet. Get THE SCRIPT© STICKERS and keep your rights stuck to your visor or windshield. That was a quick rant.
Being able to travel again and bring our distinct brand of educating and normalizing Cannabis use to every part of the World has been and will continue to be extremely gratifying. We believe that if EVERYONE (LAW ENFORCEMENT INDLCUDED) knows and understands the theory and mission of The Script©, interactions between police and citizens will be more civil and will end senseless deaths.
We are now headed to Detroit to continue with the Cannacon tour and our #STFU® Tour, COMING SOON to a CITY NEAR YOU!!!!
For more information go to we will be there in Chicago August, 2021 and New York City January 2022.